

How can I make a MasterDetailPage icon VoiceOver accessible?


My Xamarin.Forms app's main page consists of a MasterDetailPage that looks like the following:

  • ios
  • xaml
  • xamarin.forms
  • accessibility
  • voiceover

How to "Enable Content" for example VBA macros in Microsoft Excel without using a mouse? [closed]

After opening a file with VBA macros I get a security warning with "Enable Content" button. I can click on it with a mouse, but how to access it with only a keyboard?

  • excel
  • vba
  • accessibility

How can I change one single colour on Mac OS X screen (similar to invert colours)?

I've read some guys have done a trick editing this file, but I'm not a guru.

defaults write \
(DisplayUseInvertedPolarity -bool YES)

  • osx
  • graphics
  • colors
  • accessibility

How to nest role attributes in HTML?

I need to nest some elements where two elements have a role attribute.
Is it possible that the inner elements are also read out?

My code:

  • html
  • accessibility

Add a span element within a link to make it accessible (AA) with javascript

I'm trying to modify a plugin in order to make it more modern and accessible. The problem is the icon: I need to add a span element with some text to make it readable but not visible.

  • javascript
  • accessibility
  • screen-readers

What reasons to distinct hyperlinks with thick, light blue underlines?


To my knowledge, to avoid distractions in reading flow underlines should be avoided in any circumstance, not just hyperlinks. BBC avoids coloring them at all and boldface them instead.

  • accessibility
  • color
  • hyperlinks
  • affordance

Aria live and angular pages


I am trying to implement aria live function on a angular page. please find below a sample code which I am implementing.

  • angular
  • angularjs-directive
  • accessibility
  • wai-aria

In Xamarin Forms Application how to get focus to non interactive elements like Labels and Images when using TalkBack in Android


In Xamarin Forms application, when i turn on TalkBack/Screen Reader for Accessibility in Android and swipe through the screen the screen reader doesn't read text on screen like label's and other im

  • xamarin
  • xamarin.forms
  • accessibility
  • swipe
  • talkback

Background VoiceOveraccessibility focus on a UICollectionView


I have a problem with voiceover on a collectionview. I have a fullscreen (minus navigation bar) UICollectionView that contains 5 cells.

  • ios
  • swift
  • uicollectionview
  • accessibility
  • voiceover

Click on main text opens a new detail page on a card


I have a situation where I have a card as an element and it had primary Title, Sub title, and other texts and one secondary CTA.

  • accessibility
  • hyperlinks
  • psychology
  • experience
  • heuristics