

How to test GUI for color blind person? [closed]

Is there a way to test if a GUI is usable for color blind person?

  • user-interface
  • usability
  • accessibility
  • color-blindness

How do I swap primary and secondary mouse buttons from the command line or by using a hotkey without rebooting or compiling a program?


My eight-year-old son is left-handed and I am right-handed. I wish to be able to quickly and easily switch primary and secondary mouse buttons from the command line. We use Windows 10.

  • windows
  • mouse
  • autohotkey
  • accessibility

How do you navigate options in a select element using ChromeVox?

When using the ChromeVox screen reader I find that it's possible to navigate to a select box and to select options, but I can't work out how to have the screen reader read out the options, which is

  • accessibility
  • screen-readers

When does a screenreader read image alt text?


Please correct me if I am wrong, but usually screen reader navigation works by pressing the tab key, and usually you do not have (or need) tab-able images.

  • html
  • accessibility
  • screen-readers

How to implement 'Skip to Content' between two frames


I am working on a website using frames. The top frame holds the menu items and the bottom frame holds the main content.

How can I href to main frame content section?

  • javascript
  • html
  • iframe
  • vbscript
  • accessibility

Vaadin-grid accessibility - Polymer

Is there any way in which I can make my Vaadin-Grid accessible for screen reader users or even simply by tabbing?

  • html
  • vaadin
  • accessibility
  • vaadin-grid

iOS Refresh Accessibility Label


I have a button with accessibility label @"a". When the button is pressed, I have a callback that sets the accessibility label button.accessibilityLabel = @"b".

  • ios
  • objective-c
  • accessibility
  • voiceover

Using Learn More, Click Here, buttons for ERP Web application [closed]

I am working on an ERP Web App which doesn't need SEO.
In few instances, I may have to use Learn More / Click Here.

  • usability
  • user-research
  • accessibility

Word-wrap in an HTML table using display:table-row

A more complex version of: Word-wrap in an HTML table.

  • html
  • css
  • mobile
  • html-table
  • accessibility

iOS Accessibility: Fetching the user's "Always Speak Notifications" VoiceOver preference

I've sifted through the available UIAccessibility capabilities here but haven't fo

  • ios
  • accessibility
  • uiaccessibility