Displaying 1 - 10 of 33 quicksheets

Learn more about learning disabilities and how they affect an individual’s life also beyond academics.

Here you will find a number of other interesting summative documents that do not deal with the DeveloperSpace topic (access to ICT), but provide a more spherical view of other aspects of disability.

This Quick Sheet provides detailed information about decibels, sound pressure level and our perception of loudness.

This two-pager, created by New Editions Consulting, Inc(link is external)., gives some useful tips for improving the accessibility of your PowerPoint presentation

We set out to see if there was a PDF reader that had readability features like the ability to change the font size, line spacing, word spacing etc.

This is a collection of resources for web accessibility, including key places which provide a large number of such resources.

This QuickSheet provides a summary of key documents that can aid in gaining a better understanding of accessibility strategies for Cognitive, Language and Learning Disabilities

Learn more about readability, formulas and tools used to measure written text readability.

This is a list of scientific journals which are publishing research in the field of accessibility and/or universal usability/design, in close relation to ICT. Recently published conference proceedings and special issues are also included. The listed general disability journals also publish research in the field of accessibility and/or universal usability/design, but also recent work in other disability related topics (e.g. standars/standardization, ethics, legal issues, etc.).

Learn more about what an epileptic seizure is, common types of seizures and how these can be induced by computer screens or content being rendered.