

What is the scoring formula for Lighthouse accessibility audit?


I am using Lighthouse to perform some assessment of an Angular/Node/ionic mobile app. I am achieving 81% - 94% scores. However, I don't know the score is computed.

  • accessibility
  • lighthouse
  • disability

Accessibility Service - Hardware KeyPress


Is it possible to send past command so that it pastes text into currently focused edit text, I am using RFID reader Hardware. Scenario:

  • accessibility
  • accessibilityservice

Grid: Generic filters Vs column level filters


I had a case where there is a view and on that user can apply any filter.
Once filter is applied > it affects all the tabs present in that view.

  • user-behavior
  • navigation
  • accessibility
  • web

Forms accessibility - actions on buttons

I have a Shopping Cart and for example there is a <button> that will trigger an action to add an item to the cart.

  • forms
  • accessibility

Making text messages accessible to screen reader

I am building a chat bot and currently working on some accessibility features. I am wondering what is the best way to allow users to read through old messages.

  • javascript
  • accessibility

accessibility android Skip nav links are not working

I have added skip to main content links on header in my web app. It works as expected in Windows and MacOS. It even works as expected in IPhone.

  • android
  • accessibility
  • talkback

How to make PrimeNG Dropdown Keyboard Accessible


I want to make dropdown keyboard accessible. Right now, its not working when i am using keyboard up and down arrow. I applied tabindex but still not working. Anyone have any idea about this..

  • accessibility
  • angular2-forms
  • dropdown
  • primeng

Accessibility for custom dropdown button

Hi I need add keyboard navigation and accessibility to my custom dropdown button. Do you have any ideas? I thought about using aria?

  • javascript
  • html5
  • accessibility
  • wcag
  • wcag2.0

Android accessibility identify heading


I have the latest version of Talkback and its announcing "My Top level Text Heading". Android native behaviour is adding "Heading" for my top level elements.

  • android
  • accessibility
  • heading
  • android-accessibility

Link text input to MathJax to support screen reader

We have a mathematical expression editor tool for adding mathematical equations for questions.

  • accessibility
  • mathjax
  • tabindex