

Need android feature of Accessibility Service(Android) in iOS

Can we accessibility text field or text from any app in my app in iOS?
This is possible in android through accessibility service.

  • ios
  • accessibility

Angular i18n localization of label containing interpolation

In my template I have a bunch of cards, each has name and a button. Button title should contain name. Simplified:

  • html
  • angular
  • localization
  • accessibility

Making "image select" accessible

I want to build an "image select" feature into my form, like this:

  • html
  • accessibility

ARIA Accessibility in Angular 2 and 4

I have been manually including ARIA attributes in my component templates when I came across the angular-aria module: https:

  • angular
  • accessibility
  • wai-aria

Blinking cursor visible on texts after voiceover off on safari

I am using safari on Mac. Cursor and focus on field looks fine.

  • safari
  • accessibility
  • voice
  • voiceover
  • web-accessibility

How to override maximum 32x32 mouse size in Windows like this program can

I'd like for my program to be able to override the maximum imposed mouse size of 32x32 much like the program in the picture attached does, the cursor pictured is 72x72.

  • c#
  • registry
  • mouse
  • accessibility

508 compliance and javascript

I run a site (ASP.NET) for a company that is in different counties, based on the link the user clicks on the landing page all the <a> tags on the page gets a string of the county

  • javascript
  • accessibility
  • section508

Accessibility - Provide descriptive text in label elements

I have a toggle checkbox enclosed inside a label element. However, I don't need any text to a label element. But accessibility throws me an error to add a label text which I don't need at all.

  • checkbox
  • label
  • accessibility

Android accessibility for edittext with prefiled text

I have a field for a code which always starts with the same four letters, so those are prefilled.

  • android
  • accessibility