P4all Social Network Interaction Module Part A
This video is the first part of the training course P4All Social Network Interaction Module, which is a module for clustering large numbers of social networks’ data based on their common features.
This video is the first part of the training course P4All Social Network Interaction Module, which is a module for clustering large numbers of social networks’ data based on their common features.
This fourth video of the tutorial series 'Install a Socket Builder and create a new socket' describes the final three steps that you have to take in order to learn how to create a socket for very simple to-do service.
The third video of the tutorial series 'Install Socket Builder and create a new socket' explains the first four steps that you need to take in order to learn how to create a socket for a very simple to-do service.
The Socket Builder is an open-source Jave implementation for creating and editing user interface socket descriptions, target descriptions, resource sheets and grouping sheets for a target. This first video of the 'Install a Socket Builder and Create a New Socket' explains how to install the Socket Builder.
UCHj is an open-source Java reference implementation of the Universal Control Hub (UCH) 1.0 specification. It is partially conforming to ISO/IEC 24752:2013. This software is intended for developers and researchers of remote user interfaces, and manufacturers of applicances, controllers and home control gateways. This second video of the 'Install Socket Builder and create a new socket' tutorial describes how to install the UCH in order to be able to test sockets or if you want to connect it to a real target.