P4A Social Network Interaction Module is a module for clustering large number of social networks’ data based on their common features. By encoding the activities of the entities within the network as multi-modal and/or multi-parametric objects (the object-user may have many attributes), and by modelling the social network data into k-partite graphs we manage to efficiently categorize the entities into certain behavioral groups – provided that the positioning of the objects over the graph is based on the relevance of their attributes.
The P4All Social Network Interaction Module is provided as a standalone application, as well as RESTful Web Services. Usage instructions for the standalone application can be found at github.com/P4ALLcerthiti/P4ALL_Social_Network_Interaction#p4a---social-network-interaction , while usage instructions and example for calling the Web Services can be found at github.com/P4ALLcerthiti/P4ALL_Social_Network_Interaction_Web_Services.