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Success Stories

Smartphone screen with a hand interacting with its screen

Kostas Kalogirou, CERTH-HIT Implementer, “The main advantages of using the DeveloperSpace for the system enhancement were firstly, the possibility to search accessible tools in one specific repository and secondly, the resources to integrate open source components into a commercial product.”

Hands reading a tactile graphic

Documents, exams, presentations, diagrams and further study-relevant material for University students. 

Workshop with translators during training of the Amara platform

Net in Nederland (New to the Netherlands) is a website from the Dutch Public Broadcaster NPO where programs with Dutch, English and Arabic subtitles are made freely available.

Engineering SpA logo

“Our involvement in the DeveloperSpace has given us the necessary knowledge to keep accessibility always in focus for future developments”.

Marco Aimar ENG SpA engineer.

P4A’s DeveloperSpace’s building block AsteRICs module was implemented in the Guadalinex OS. The module has been implemented in 800 Guadalinfo’s telecenters in 10.000 workstations with nearly 1.000.000 users.

Person in front of a laptop while loooking at the educational game

“We can give our target group one extra input modality for free. There is no need for extra hardware for our customers to install they can use it from out of the box”. Stefan Schurz, LIFEtool Researcher.