CERTH-HIT has developed a Routing Guidance System targeted to users with cognitive complaints at an early stage (i.e. drivers whose skills have not considerably deteriorated). The System can help any type of driver including elderly, stressed and novice ones. The use of DeveloperSpace components has allowed to enhance MLS Destinator Talk&Drive navigation system to meet personalized driver needs and preferences. The product was successfully presented in the Greek Open Days organized within the Prosperity4All project.
To control the enhancements and personalization aspects a third application was created with DSpace components called P4ALLConfigs. P4All Configs provides accessible features to the commercial application as “bridge”. The P4ALLConfigs application can be installed on any Android device which is rooted. It can alter the device’s system settings according to the user’s needs and preferences, providing additional accessibility and enhanced functionalities. The user can sign-in either by voice or by writing his/her token. Then, the application and the whole Android device is adapted to his/her font size, language, volume level, brightness level and vibration needs.
Kostas Kalogirou, CERTH-HIT Implementer, “The main advantages of using the DeveloperSpace for the system enhancement were firstly, the possibility to search accessible tools in one specific repository and secondly, the resources to integrate open source components into a commercial product.”
DSpace components were used by P4ALLConfigs:
Real-time user monitoring modules, especially the real-time user monitoring sensor layer, affect sensing modules for detecting stress and emotion:
Haptic/touch I/O modules:
Android GPII: