

Accessible css Toggle

I have this Css Toggle which works as expected, I want to add the focus outline to all the toggles for accessiiblity

  • html
  • css
  • accessibility

iron-data-table accessibility options

I cannot seem to access my iron-data-table via tabbing, considering that I am trying to create an accessible web interface.

Does anybody have any knowledge of such things?

  • html
  • polymer
  • accessibility

Preserve focus on closing a modal or flyout

I have a question on accessibility.
There are several layers/modals or flyout windows which are opened on click of a button or link.

  • javascript
  • angularjs
  • angular-ui-bootstrap
  • accessibility
  • uiaccessibility

Prevent certain elements from receiving focus


So I have the following function. What it does is listens for the focus event on all elements.

  • javascript
  • jquery
  • html
  • accessibility

How do screen readers read <abbr> tags?


I learned that the <abbr> tag is supposed to be interpreted by screen readers in a way that its title attribute would replace its content when read by a screen reade

  • html
  • accessibility
  • screen-readers
  • abbr

Icon link without text eslint error


I have a React project that shows a bunch of social media links that are just icons to their respective sites.

  • accessibility
  • eslint

Why onAccessibilityEvent(..) method of AccessibilityService is reading the same view many times?

I am using AccessibilityService to determine the text and coordinates of views of any current application running in android device.

  • android
  • accessibility
  • accessibilityservice
  • android-accessibility

Differentiate between mouse "click" and screen reader "Press"

I'm make an accessible website menu and would like to differentiate between a mouse "Click" and a VoiceOver "Press" to open a submenu.

  • javascript
  • jquery
  • accessibility
  • screen-readers
  • voiceover

Android AccessibilityService: How to record and replay view clicks?

I am trying to implement an AccessibilityService that records the user's actions (only click events at this point) and stores them, such that they can be replayed at a later point in time.

  • android
  • accessibility

Setting focus after opening dialog - Polymer (no JQuery)

How would one place focus on a paper-input contained within a paper-dialog at the point of it being opened?

  • javascript
  • html
  • polymer
  • accessibility