Augmentative and Alternative Communication For the Web
Is there a default, standard, recommended or well known icon to denote that a link will open a new browser window?
I have a React project that shows a bunch of social media links that are just icons to their respective sites.
Accessibility implementation for GTK+ and GNOME libraries
Basically, I'm trying to clone an element and change its aria-label within React.cloneElement.
The Tecla Shield is a device that enables connection of powered wheelchairs and adapted switches to Bluetooth-enabled electronic devices.
Make emoji more accessible
I have a bunch of buttons on the screen which are positioned intuitively visually but are not read in an intuitive order by VoiceOver.
I have a ToolStripMenuItem called myMenu. How can I access this like so:
/* Normally, I would do: */ this.myMenu... etc.
I want to make dropdown keyboard accessible. Right now, its not working when i am using keyboard up and down arrow. I applied tabindex but still not working. Anyone have any idea about this..
Simple python web server for converting Smashwords epub files to an OpenDyslexic release of the same book.
Jekyll template for creating modern HTML5/WAI-ARIA/RDFa websites.
This is a collection of resources for web accessibility, including key places which provide a large number of such resources.
I'm looking for a way to change the voice with a shortcut: going in to settings->accessibility->Speech and setting the voice "Alex" take's to long.
Chromevox only export of Chrome accessibility suite (
In my app I have ad on bottom, in accessibility (talkback) mode I don't want ads to be included.
I am using :before pseudo-elements bound to particular classes to add symbols in front of p tags, with CSS like this:
I have a view that has a long press action handler. I use the content description to set the message Talkback speaks when the view gets focus.
Golang library to convert SRT subtitle into WebVTT
I'm working on fixing some accessibility issues on a web page.