Support head, any body part -tracking input
For users with physical disabilities, one solution to replace the traditional mouse may be to track head or other body part movements. For example, tilting your head to the left may move the pointer to the left on the screen, while a blink might equal a mouse click.
Discussion by Disabilities
For users with severe physical disabilities or paralysis who may not be able to use traditional mouse and keyboard setups, a simple head-tracking input system may give them the ability to access a computer independently.
Existing Products
Please note that these products are not necessarily endorsed by RtF, but represent the range of available options.
Open Source and free
These products are free and their source code may be modified with few restrictions.
Free, not necessarily open source
These products are free to use, but may have strict restrictions on viewing and modifying source code.
- Camera Mouse(link is external) – Camera Mouse
- NaviGaze(link is external) – CyberNet
Commercial, with free trial
These products are free to try for a limited period of time or with limited functionality. They must be purchased for full functionality.
- FaceMouse(link is external)- CLARO
Related Research and Papers
- Towards Hands-Free Interfaces Based on Real-Time Robust Facial Gesture Recognition(link is external) – Cristina Manresa-Yee, Javier Varona, and Francisco J. Perales (2006)
- Head Gestures Recognition(link is external) – Pei Chi Ng and Liyanage C. De Silva (2001)
- Recognition of Head Gestures Using Hidden Markov Models(link is external) – Carlos Morimoto, Yaser Yacoob, Larry Davis (1996)
- The Camera Mouse: visual tracking of body features to provide computer access for people with severe disabilities(link is external)-M. Betke, J. Gips, P. Fleming
- Access Interface Strategies(link is external)- Susan Fager, David R. Beukelman, Melanie Fried-Oken, Tom Jakobs PE, John Baker
- Assistive Multimodal System Based on Speech Recognition and Head Tracking(link is external)- Alexey A. Karpov, Andrey L. Ronzhin, Alexander I. Nechaev, Svetlana E. Chernakova
- A multimodal human computer interface combining head movement, speech and tongue motion for people with severe disabilities(link is external)- M.N Sahadat; Arish Alreja; Pooja Srikrishnan; Maysam Ghovanloo
Related content in the DeveloperSpace
- Integration of Alternative Input Modalities
- AsTeRICS WebACS Tutorial
- Smart Home UI with Scanning
- Cross-Platform Camera Mouse
- What is Physical Disability?
- MouseTheremin
- Guadalinfo - Enhanced Telecenters
- AsTeRICS User Manual
- Integrated Smart Home Example in AsTeRICS
- IRLib2
- camera-canvas
- AsTeRICS Nexus Connector
- camMouse
- deepgaze
- wedjat
- eva_facial_mouse
- blink_based_aural_scanning_keyboard_with_Morse_code_option
- PolyMouse
- acat
- tracking.js