Retrieve a definition for foreign language phrases
This feature retrieves and displays definitions for selected foreign language words. These definitions may be retrieved from a local/personal glossary, a dictionary, or a collaborative knowledge base (such as Wikipedia). This feature would primarily be used to translate common foreign language phrases that appear in text that is primarily in another language.
Discussion by Disabilities
For people with cognitive, learning, and language disabilities or literacy problems, these definitions make it easier to read and understand pages that contain new or confusing foreign language phrases.
Existing Products
Many translation services are available to define foreign language phrases. Some include:
Related Research and Papers
- Involving immigrant parents of students with disabilities in the educational process(link is external)- Al-Hassan, Suha and Gardner III, Ralph (2002)
- Text simplification for children(link is external)- Jan De Belder, Marie-Francine Moens
- An Exploration of Reading Comprehension, Oral Reading Errors, and Written Errors by Subjects Labeled Learning Disabled(link is external)- Ann Sax Mabbott
- Learning Strategies in Foreign Language Instruction(link is external)- Anna Uhl Chamot, Lisa Kupper
- Incidental Vocabulary Learning by Advanced Foreign Language Students: The Influence of Marginal Glosses, Dictionary Use, and Reoccurrence of Unknown Words(link is external)- Jan H. Hulstijn, Merel Hollander, Tine Greidenus
- Listening Comprehension Strategies in Second Language Acquisition(link is external)- J. Michael O'Malley, Anna Uhl Chamot, Lisa Kupper