The DIT Utility is a "right-click" Dictionary/Idiom/Translation Utility for use by people who have trouble reading text due to
- cognitive, language, and learning disabilities
- just because they are reading content in a language that is not their native language.
The user right clicks on a word and the utility looks it up and presents a pop-up with:
- the definition of the word
- a translation of the word into a language of the users choice
- offers to read the text aloud
- it looks to see if the word(s) are part of an idiom ... and if so - presents the idiom along with the meaning of the idiom.
This utility would work for:
- words
- phrases
- acronyms
- abbreviations
- common foreign language words phrases (e.g. n'est–ce pas? vis-á-vis , chutzpah)
Ideally, the database would be expandable (i.e. if the word is not found in a standard reference - then a supplemental database would be consulted)
The goal is to release the final result as open source.
We are looking for this capability first as a utility for Windows on the PC
$10,000 is offered to the first person to successfully complete this challenge
If you are tackling this challengs - Raising the Floor eccourages to to contact us at