Displaying 21 - 36 of 36


by albzan

NVDA Addon for the Eclipse IDE


by Metamatrix

A Google Chrome extension that simulates how people with disabilities can experience a webpage.


by nvdajp

NVDA add-on which highlights the focused location.


by sensusaps

Open source version of the RoboBraille Web Service. http://www.robobraille.org/(link is external) Developed by Sensus ApS.


by andycochran

Foundation A11y-Compliant Color Palette Picker


by ember-a11y

Ember addon to help with landmark roles for better accessibility


by dictationbridge

DictationBridge NVDA add-on


by t12t

A curated list of web accessibility meetups


by fraddski

A simple carousel with a focus on clean, accessible markup


by oliverfarrell

A JavaScript plugin for building accessible and responsive tabs.

User Interface Options

by Fluid Project

The User Interface Options (UI Options) component allows users to transform the presentation of the user interface and content resources so that they are personalized to the individual user's needs. UI Options is part of the Infusion Framework.


by timwright12

A simple, yet fairly complex (and accessible) hide/show toggle behavior

User Interface Options Plus (UIO+)

by Fluid Project

User Interface Options Plus (UIO+) allows you to customize websites to match your own personal needs and preferences. Settings for the adaptations can be set via the UIO+ adjuster panel or, if on a GPII (Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure) enable machine, from a keyed in preference set.


by MooTools

MooTools is a collection of JavaScript utilities designed for the intermediate to advanced JavaScript developer.


by ashleyelaine

WordPress plugin that evaluates each page of your site and produces a page-by-page report of where you have external links. Additionally, it has an option to activate an external link alert on each of the found links in the form of an icon and the hidden text "Opens in a new window" - which will be read by a screen reader.


by valdecar

Murka is cross platform books narrator that can voice text books in txt and fb2 formats.