
Adjust text font, including size and spacing (leading and kerning)

Adjust the size and style of font on a page, along with the spacing between the letters, words, or between lines (leading and kerning).

Discussion by Disabilities

Adjustable fonts and spacing allow the user to customize text to the size and shape that is easiest to see and understand.

Adjusting spacing between letters, words, or lines may make text easier to read and understand for people with cognitive impairments.

Existing Products

Please note that these products are not necessarily endorsed by RtF, but represent the range of available options.

Open Source and free

These products are free and their source code may be modified with few restrictions.

Free, not necessarily open source

These products are free to use, but may have strict restrictions on viewing and modifying source code.

Commercial, no free trial

These products must be purchased to be used, and did not offer free trials at the time of posting.

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