
With Captioneer you can easily create your own Closed Captions for Source-based Games(link is external), like for Team Fortress 2.


Make sure you have installed the Source SDK(link is external)!


1. Configuration

Captioneer is very easy to use. Just edit the captions.txt file and add captions in the following format:

name: value

with one caption per line.

You can also use variables, to define them just add a $ before the name, like so:

$my.variable: my value

To use variables in your captions, write


and the variable value will be inserted.

All lines beginning with a // or # will be treated as comments and ignored.

You can find an example already in captions.txt(link is external).

2. Compiling

captioneer filename [--language="english"]

Run captioneer with the filename input path and optionally the language on the command line.
It will then create a closecaption_language.dat in the current directory.



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