ETNA works in collaboration with the ATIS4All Thematic Network and in agreement with the EASTIN Association at the foundations of the future EASTIN 2.0 Portal – an evolution of the the current EASTIN Portal of the European Assistive Technology Information Network.
Within this collaboration agreement, the ETNA Consortium is developing an advanced information system – with the related search engine, search interfaces and data management tools – that enables users, professionals and all stakeholder involved to access all information on ICT-based assistive technologies and e-accessibility solutions available in Europe, through a multilingual interface. The first prototype of the ETNA information system has been released on January 31, 2013 and it is currently being under validation within the ETNA Consortium. It automatically adapts to the user’s browser language.
On the other hand, ATIS4all is developing Web 2.0 applications to generate an active online community, including tools for open discussion among users, professionals and all stakeholders involved, and a facility for rating and commenting products. The first release of the ATIS4All collaborative portal has been also released on January 31, 2013 and it is currently being filled-in with contents by the ATIS4all Consortium. It works in English language.
Project website: http://www.etna-project.eu/eastin20.html