Provide visual and text outliners in content
This feature involves an inbuilt or web-based outliner tool. This may be implemented in a number of different ways – as a built-in tool in the operating system, or as a web-based outline service.
This feature enables the user to outline the text that they wish to convey in visual or textual form, acting like a scratch paper to jot down all their thoughts before actually having to write it.
Discussion by Disabilities
This feature allows users with Cognitive, Language and Learning Disabilities to collect their thoughts and collate them in a single place. These tools are also called brainstorming tools, they can be used for memory retention purposes.
Existing Products
Please note that these products are not necessarily endorsed by RtF, but represent the range of available options.
- Magical Pad-
- Scrivener- Literature and Latte Ltd.
- Omni Outliner- Omni Group
- Outline for Mac and iPad- Gorillized Corporation
- Smartsheet- Smartsheet, Inc.
- Little Outliner 2
- Outline Edit for Mac- Robin Schnaidt
- UV Outliner- Fedir Nepviyoda
- Evernote Corporation
- Google Docs
- Microsoft One Note- Microsoft Corporation
Related Research and Papers
- Assistive and instructional technology for college students with disabilities: A national snapshot of postsecondary service providers- Michaels, Craig A. ; Prezant, Fran Pollock ; Morabito, Stephen M. (2001)
- How computers change the writing process for people with learning disabilities- Wanderman, Richard
- Support services for college students with learning disabilities- Obi, Sunday O.