Anti-tremor mouse filtering
This feature filters out accidental mouse movements and clicks that may result from tremors or poor motor control.
Discussion by Disabilities
This feature can greatly reduce the effect of accidental movements, making it easier for people with tremors or poor motor control to use a mouse effectively.
Existing Products
Please note that these products are not necessarily endorsed by RtF, but represent the range of available options.
Open Source and free
These products are free and their source code may be modified with few restrictions.
Free, not necessarily open source
These products are free to use, but may have strict restrictions on viewing and modifying source code.
- Mouse Smoothing Software – IBM
Related Research and Papers
- Improving Mouse Controlling and Movement for People with Parkinson’s Disease and Involuntary Tremor Using Adaptive Path Smoothing Technique via B-Spline- Seyed Yashar Bani Hashem, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Noor Faezah Mohd Yatim, Norlinah Mohamed Ibrahim
- Optimal digital filtering for tremor suppression- J.G. Gonzalez; E.A. Heredia; T. Rahman; K.E. Barner; G.R. Arce
- Real-Time Hand Tremor Detection via Mouse Cursor Movements for Improved Human Computer Interactions: An Exploratory Study- Parker A. Williams, Jeffrey L. Jenkins, Joseph S. Valacich
- Measuring Actual Behaviors in HCI Research – A call to Action and an Example- Parker A. Williams, Jeffrey L. Jenkins, Joseph S. Valacich, Michael D. Byrd