translate Meaningful sequence

Where ICT is non-web software that provides a user interface and that supports access to assistive technologies for screen reading, it shall satisfy the success criterion in Table 11.8.

Table 11.8: Software success criterion: Document success criterion: Meaningful sequence
When the sequence in which content is presented affects its meaning, a correct reading sequence can be programmatically determined.
NOTE: This success criterion is identical to the WCAG 2.0 Success Criterion 1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence.

Testing methods

Type of compliance Inspection
  1. The ICT is non-web software that provides a user interface.
  2. The software provides support to assistive technologies for screen reading.
  1. Check that the software does not fail the Success Criterion in Table 11.8
Result Pass: Check 1 is true
Fail: Check 1 is false

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