
10.1: General (informative)

Requirements in clause 10 apply to documents:

  • that are not web pages;
  • that are not embedded in web pages;
  • that are embedded in web pages and that are not used in the rendering and that are not intended to be rendered together with the web page in which they are embedded.

Clause 9 provides requirements for documents that are in web pages or that are embedded in web pages and that are used in the rendering or that are intended to be rendered together with the web page in which they are embedded.


  1. Some examples of documents are letters, spreadsheets, emails, books, pictures, presentations, and movies that have an associated user agent such as a document reader, editor or media player.
  2. A single document may be composed of multiple files such as the video content, closed caption text etc. This fact is not usually apparent to the end-user consuming the document/content.
  3. Documents require a user agent in order for the content to be presented to users. The requirements for user agents can be found in clause 11.
  4. The requirements for content that is part of software, can be found in clause 11.

Testing methods

This clause is advisory only and contains no requirements requiring test.

There is currently no content classified with this term.

Components that implement this clause


by benjbmc

Ressources & links for web accessibility #AX #D7AX #RGAA #ARIA #A11Y