Displaying 1 - 7 of 7


by tesseract-ocr

Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine (main repository)


by naptha

Pure Javascript OCR for more than 100 Languages ???


by watson-developer-cloud

:microphone: Sample Node.js Application for the IBM Watson Speech to Text Service


by bwssytems

Home automation bridge that emulates a Philips Hue light system and can control other systems such as a Vera, Harmony Hub, Nest, MiLight bulbs or any other system that has an http/https/tcp/udp interface. This is a compact impl to run on small format computers. This is impl started from this project https://github.com/armzilla/amazon-echo-ha-bridge(link is external).


by ParhamP

Uses Microsoft Computer Vision API to caption images in an HTML file and fills out its alternative text attributes with the related caption


by addyosmani

Accessibility audit tooling for the web (beta)


by sensusaps

Open source version of the RoboBraille Web Service. http://www.robobraille.org/(link is external) Developed by Sensus ApS.