Displaying 1 - 6 of 6

Open BCI: Bioelectric Signal Acquisition and Processing

The Open BCI(link is external) project provides open source hardware and software for bioelectric signal acquisition systems (biosignal amplifiers).

IIRFilter: Signal processing and filtering with AsTeRICS

This bulding block provides adjustable Infinite Impulse Response Filters, based on the Java DSP Library: http://www.source-code.biz/dsp/java(link is external).

FS20: Wireless Environmental Control with AsTeRICS

Wireless Environmental Control with FS20 devices.

Integrated Smart Home Example in AsTeRICS

This building block demonstrates an integrated Smart Home environment based on AsTeRICS(link is external).

TobiiEyeX: Eye Tracking in AsTeRICS

Use eye movements and hovering to select user interface buttons.

Voice Control in AsTeRICS

This building block demonstrates the speech recognition and synthesis capabilities of AsTeRICS(link is external).