

Displaying 1501 - 1520 of 1717

How do you navigate options in a select element using ChromeVox?

When using the ChromeVox screen reader I find that it's possible to navigate to a select box and to select options, but I can't work out how to have the screen reader read out the options, which is

  • accessibility
  • screen-readers

Vaadin-grid accessibility - Polymer

Is there any way in which I can make my Vaadin-Grid accessible for screen reader users or even simply by tabbing?

  • html
  • vaadin
  • accessibility
  • vaadin-grid

How can I make screen reader (esp using NVDA) not read an element when focused?

I am currently working on a highly accessible website. How can I make the screen reader not read the (1) associated labels, (2) not indicate if it is checked or not, to a focused checkbox?

  • html
  • css
  • accessibility
  • screen-readers
  • nvda

Video play/stop button WAI-ARIA accessibility advice?

I have in my page "play/Stop Button Element". The button is changed to "play" or "stop" when it's pressed.

  • media-player
  • accessibility
  • wai-aria
  • htmlbutton

iOS accessibility doesn't recognize anything on the screen

I'm trying to make my app accessible (use voice-over properly).

  • ios
  • accessibility

iOS Accessibility: Fetching the user's "Always Speak Notifications" VoiceOver preference

I've sifted through the available UIAccessibility capabilities here but haven't fo

  • ios
  • accessibility
  • uiaccessibility

Word-wrap in an HTML table using display:table-row

A more complex version of: Word-wrap in an HTML table.

  • html
  • css
  • mobile
  • html-table
  • accessibility
Hands reading a tactile graphic

Documents, exams, presentations, diagrams and further study-relevant material for University students. 

How to make audio and a dynamic UI with voiceover not interfere with each other

[Edited question] If I have an discussion app which dynamically creates buttons with the intent names on them: Say I ordered a sandwich and now is asking me what spread I want, but, A

  • user-interface
  • mobile
  • accessibility
  • voiceover

Getting started with Assets Framework -

I've seen some recommendations about using Assets Framework ( for accessibility.

  • jquery
  • user-interface
  • jquery-ui
  • accessibility
  • web-frontend

c# how to find URL from browser using AccessibleObjectFromPoint

hi i done some research and find out the way to get browser URL using AccessibleObjectFromPoint or by this you can access any UI element so please tell me whats wrong in my code

  • c#
  • windows
  • accessibility
  • iaccessible

Android Talkback Announcement Localization

I have a duo lingo (English + Spanish) android application.

  • android
  • accessibility
  • talkback
Workshop with translators during training of the Amara platform

Net in Nederland (New to the Netherlands) is a website from the Dutch Public Broadcaster NPO where programs with Dutch, English and Arabic subtitles are made freely available.

Cloud4all Logo

Cloud4all is an international project funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union that will advance the concept of the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (GPII).

Why onAccessibilityEvent(..) method of AccessibilityService is reading the same view many times?

I am using AccessibilityService to determine the text and coordinates of views of any current application running in android device.

  • android
  • accessibility
  • accessibilityservice
  • android-accessibility

Preserve focus on closing a modal or flyout

I have a question on accessibility.
There are several layers/modals or flyout windows which are opened on click of a button or link.

  • javascript
  • angularjs
  • angular-ui-bootstrap
  • accessibility
  • uiaccessibility

iron-data-table accessibility options

I cannot seem to access my iron-data-table via tabbing, considering that I am trying to create an accessible web interface.

Does anybody have any knowledge of such things?

  • html
  • polymer
  • accessibility

Accessible css Toggle

I have this Css Toggle which works as expected, I want to add the focus outline to all the toggles for accessiiblity

  • html
  • css
  • accessibility

Setting focus after opening dialog - Polymer (no JQuery)

How would one place focus on a paper-input contained within a paper-dialog at the point of it being opened?

  • javascript
  • html
  • polymer
  • accessibility

Android AccessibilityService: How to record and replay view clicks?

I am trying to implement an AccessibilityService that records the user's actions (only click events at this point) and stores them, such that they can be replayed at a later point in time.

  • android
  • accessibility