

Displaying 1281 - 1300 of 1717

Link text is Unclear error even when <a> tag has descriptive links. ( tota11y)

I have a tag, which has the following structure

<a href="#" ng-click="generatePlanTasks()">Regenerate</a>

  • accessibility
  • khan-academy

Limit Voice Over to active view controller

I have an app with the classic "hamburger menu" to open settings. When pressed in slides in from the left covering most of the screen.

  • ios
  • accessibility
  • voiceover

Accessibility in Google Chrome

So I'm working on updating an angular 4 application to meet WCAG AA conformance for accessibility.

  • angular
  • google-chrome
  • accessibility

iText libraries to leverage for Form PDF's that are accessible

my problem is that we have a current PDF file that is fillable. We are leveraging JAVA code along with iText to fill out the PDF template.

  • tags
  • itext
  • accessibility

Accessibility Inspector iOS

I am developing some app similar to Accessibility Inspector of iOS Simulator. It will mark all visible objects on screen and display details of it.

  • ios
  • uiview
  • accessibility
  • visibility
  • uiwindow

How to use aria to label a button with non-intuitive text tabel

I have a button that looks like this:

<button type="button">

  • html
  • accessibility
  • wai-aria

How to set accessibility to circles drawn using Canvas?

I have a custom view where in I'm drawing 6 circles using canvas in Android.

  • android
  • accessibility

How to setContentDescription to a RecylerView item

I'm changing my ListView to use a RecylerView and I would like to add a content description for each item.

  • android
  • recyclerview
  • accessibility
  • android-view
  • android-accessibility

Traverse AccessibilityNodeInfos in AccessibilityService

I currently retrieve the root node of the active window with getRootInActiveWindow(). Afterwards, I perform a breadth first search to get a list of all nodes.

  • android
  • accessibility
  • accessibilityservice
  • android-accessibility

Checkbox accessibility using tab

I have a table with header and some data. The checkbox used for "SelectAll" purpose is inside which is not focused while using tab though whole th cell is focused.

  • accessibility