

Displaying 1601 - 1620 of 1717

Why are certain seats on public transport a different colour? [closed]

On trams and buses, there are often designated priority seats in a special colour for people with special needs.

  • accessibility
  • transport

Should home page include both a "Search" and a "View All" button?

Near the top of our home page, we have a search bar. Next to the search bar is a VIEW ALL button:

  • search
  • accessibility
  • homepage

Where should the 'no account?' button go?

On a website I am creating, the user is prompted to login before they can access the main content page. However, if they do not own an account, they can create one.

  • login
  • accessibility
  • signup-signon

Formula for color contrast between text and background

In my Android app a user can choose the color of an item. This color is then shown in background with a text on it.

  • accessibility
  • color
  • contrast

Is forcing a user to open a link in the current tab WCAG2.0 accessible

We have inherited the maintenance of a 10+ year old website which has a few links in it that force the link to be opened in the current tab.

  • accessibility
  • browser
  • wcag

Placement of segmented bar

I have a case where in one view I have two switching options: "Group by" and "View as".

  • interaction-design
  • user-behavior
  • accessibility
  • human-interface-guideline

Looking for Friendly Documentation on Color Contrast and Readability

We're looking to launch a new version of a website, and we had multiple users concerned about readability with grey text on a grey background.

  • accessibility
  • contrast

Considering User Accessibility when developing a mobile application

Is it necessary to include a wide variety of user accessibility features such as color contrast or different font sizes?

  • mobile
  • mobile-application
  • accessibility

what is the purpose of using Color Contrast Tool?

what is the purpose of using Color Contrast Tool? It's just background and text checking or icon checking?

  • accessibility
  • color
  • contrast
  • human-eye

How to build web accessibility portfolio without any work experience?

I'm a junior web accessibility specialist and currently I'm building my portfolio, basically from scratch.

  • accessibility
  • portfolio

Accessible web calendar overview that's screen reader friendly

One of our accessible-savvy dev.teams are building a new web interface to a booking system. It looks and acts pretty much like a web calendar interface.

  • accessibility
  • calendar
  • screen-reader

Web accessibility: input type="button" that submits

I have some forms that use submit butttons like this:
<input type="button" onclick="validateAndSubmit()">

  • accessibility
  • wai-aria
  • wcag
  • web-accessibility

What would the appropriate aria roles and behaviors for 2d x/y axis plane input be?

I have a component which presents an x/y axis plane and a nub that users can move around within the plane.

  • html
  • accessibility
  • wai-aria

Getting the URL through `LegacyIAccessibleValue` fails on several computers

I'm making a URL logging tool with UIAutomation.

  • url
  • accessibility
  • ui-automation

`UIPanGestureRecognizer` not accessible to users who are using VoiceOver in iOS

The below code adds a UIPanGestureRecognizer to the whole view on screen.

  • ios
  • swift
  • accessibility
  • uipangesturerecognizer
  • voiceover

VoiceOver won't read child menus in dropdown navigation

I'm testing with the latest version of iOS on the iPad.

  • javascript
  • jquery
  • ios
  • twitter-bootstrap
  • accessibility

Intra-page link starts at URL root

This is so simple I don't get how it could possibly go wrong. I'm trying to get a simple intra-page link to behave.

(If it's relevant, this is an angular 2 app, using routing.)

  • anchor
  • accessibility

Take my web page focus to browser address bar using javascript / jquery

Desired behavior : When a Tabkey press happens on a particular dom element in a webPage I want my cursor focus to go to address bar.

  • javascript
  • jquery
  • html
  • keyboard-shortcuts
  • accessibility