A bookmarklet that simulates various types of users with disabilities. It is an education tool that will hopefully educate people about web accessibility.
jQuery Plugin that generates a Tab Navigation from Markup that makes sense without Javascript. The generated Tabs are the only ones out there that work for Screenreader users without support for WAI ARIA.
a collection of strictly WAI WCAG 2.0 and WAI ARIA conform web applications based on jQuery UI. Currently a lightbox app, live form-validation & sortable tables are ready to use. Released under MIT licence.
While most browsers work all right with the new semantic elements of HTML5, they don’t add the ARIA accessibility attributes that the specification demands. This small JavaScript adds those attributes to enhance accessibility of web sites.
Made by ILUNION for the Prosperity4All project: Ecosystem infrastructure for smart and personalised inclusion and PROSPERITY for ALL stakeholders. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement, No 610510.
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