This listing is a compilation of both questions asked in-site and questions related to accessibility themes gathered from different sources (stackoverflow, UX Stack Exchange).

Displaying 21 - 40 of 55 questions

Highcharts "shared" tooltip gets ignored when tooltip is triggered via keyboard (thru accessibility module)

The Highcharts JS library has an accessibility module that allows you to activate the tooltip via your keyboard, but the "shared" option is ignored and a multi-point tooltip becomes a single point

  • javascript
  • highcharts
  • tooltip
  • accessibility

making focus invisible for radio buttons on click but focus should be visible on keyboard navigation

How do I make focus invisible for radio buttons only on click (focus should be visible through keyboard navigation)

  • javascript
  • jquery
  • css
  • angular
  • accessibility

Accessibilty for screen reader

How to make part of a div not visible for a screen reader using jquery?

  • javascript
  • jquery
  • accessibility

Are dynamically generated aria-describedby values still accessible?

I'm running an automated accessibility test on my site and getting an error for a tooltip element which uses (link is external)

  • javascript
  • accessibility
  • wai-aria
  • zurb-foundation-6

How to "disable" a radio button in a way that a screen reader would still read the text and indicate to a user that it is disabled?

I have a use case where I want to disable some radio buttons, but there are ways to go back an re-enable this radio buttons.

  • javascript
  • html
  • css
  • accessibility

NVDA is triggering the wrong button press script for my menu


The link below contains my expansion of the pull-out menu design originally conceived by Marcy Sutton. My desired effect was to create a navigation menu that included sub-menus.

  • javascript
  • accessibility
  • nvda

Anchor links inside div aren't accessible by tab key anymore

I'm currently delving on an A11y issue the project I'm working on has.

  • javascript
  • jquery
  • html
  • coffeescript
  • accessibility

Making text messages accessible to screen reader

I am building a chat bot and currently working on some accessibility features. I am wondering what is the best way to allow users to read through old messages.

  • javascript
  • accessibility

Accessibility for custom dropdown button

Hi I need add keyboard navigation and accessibility to my custom dropdown button. Do you have any ideas? I thought about using aria?

  • javascript
  • html5
  • accessibility
  • wcag
  • wcag2.0

508 compliance and javascript

I run a site (ASP.NET) for a company that is in different counties, based on the link the user clicks on the landing page all the <a> tags on the page gets a string of the county

  • javascript
  • accessibility
  • section508

Youtube controls accessibility report

I have the following iframe:

  • javascript
  • accessibility

Select all element of the DOM with javascript except all the children of a particular element

I'm trying to build an accessibility tool in order to enlarge and decrease all the characters in my websites.

  • javascript
  • jquery
  • accessibility

Add a span element within a link to make it accessible (AA) with javascript

I'm trying to modify a plugin in order to make it more modern and accessible. The problem is the icon: I need to add a span element with some text to make it readable but not visible.

  • javascript
  • accessibility
  • screen-readers

NVDA Firefox Reads Invalid Entry React

I have an input implemented (with React) with Aria tags to dynamically say whether or not the field is valid. When the field looks as below it reads invalid entry despite the aria-tag.

  • javascript
  • reactjs
  • accessibility
  • nvda

Checking if a site is 508 compliant


I know the Visual Studio 2012 has an accessibility checker that checks for 508 compliance, but a portion of our content is dynamically generated using JavaScript and jQuery, and as such cannot be c

  • javascript
  • jquery
  • html
  • accessibility
  • section508

Accessibility (JAWS) - Dropdown list with jQuery chosen library

It's the first time I post here so please accept my apologies if this question has already been addressed in any way or I'm not following the correct guidelines.

  • javascript
  • accessibility
  • jquery-chosen
  • jaws-screen-reader

How to implement 'Skip to Content' between two frames


I am working on a website using frames. The top frame holds the menu items and the bottom frame holds the main content.

How can I href to main frame content section?

  • javascript
  • html
  • iframe
  • vbscript
  • accessibility

accessibility and elements being added to the DOM [closed]

I am working on a reactjs application and I have elements that get added to the DOM:

  • javascript
  • html
  • accessibility

Preserve focus on closing a modal or flyout

I have a question on accessibility.
There are several layers/modals or flyout windows which are opened on click of a button or link.

  • javascript
  • angularjs
  • angular-ui-bootstrap
  • accessibility
  • uiaccessibility

Prevent certain elements from receiving focus


So I have the following function. What it does is listens for the focus event on all elements.

  • javascript
  • jquery
  • html
  • accessibility