This listing is a compilation of both questions asked in-site and questions related to accessibility themes gathered from different sources (stackoverflow, UX Stack Exchange).

Displaying 61 - 80 of 92 questions

Vaadin-grid accessibility - Polymer

Is there any way in which I can make my Vaadin-Grid accessible for screen reader users or even simply by tabbing?

  • html
  • vaadin
  • accessibility
  • vaadin-grid

How can I make screen reader (esp using NVDA) not read an element when focused?

I am currently working on a highly accessible website. How can I make the screen reader not read the (1) associated labels, (2) not indicate if it is checked or not, to a focused checkbox?

  • html
  • css
  • accessibility
  • screen-readers
  • nvda

accessibility and elements being added to the DOM [closed]

I am working on a reactjs application and I have elements that get added to the DOM:

  • javascript
  • html
  • accessibility

iron-data-table accessibility options

I cannot seem to access my iron-data-table via tabbing, considering that I am trying to create an accessible web interface.

Does anybody have any knowledge of such things?

  • html
  • polymer
  • accessibility

Accessible css Toggle

I have this Css Toggle which works as expected, I want to add the focus outline to all the toggles for accessiiblity

  • html
  • css
  • accessibility

How do screen readers read <abbr> tags?


I learned that the <abbr> tag is supposed to be interpreted by screen readers in a way that its title attribute would replace its content when read by a screen reade

  • html
  • accessibility
  • screen-readers
  • abbr

Prevent certain elements from receiving focus


So I have the following function. What it does is listens for the focus event on all elements.

  • javascript
  • jquery
  • html
  • accessibility

Setting focus after opening dialog - Polymer (no JQuery)

How would one place focus on a paper-input contained within a paper-dialog at the point of it being opened?

  • javascript
  • html
  • polymer
  • accessibility

html accessibility: anchor tags with background images on pseudo elements

My company is exploring some scenarios that we use commonly in our design that we are realizing may not be 100% compliant with WCAG 2.0 standards.

  • html
  • image
  • background
  • accessibility

Using the HTML 'label' tag with radio buttons

Does the label tag work with radio buttons? If so, how do you use it? I have a form that displays like this:

  • html
  • accessibility
  • html-form

JAWS screen reader handles unchecked radio button as 'partially checked'

I am using JAWS version 15 to test my page on Google Chrome that contains a set of related radio buttons, none of which are checked initially.

  • html
  • radio-button
  • accessibility
  • jaws-screen-reader

Web accessibility - Should my title be tabable?

I am delving into the confusing world of web accessibility and trying to retrofit my HTML code to have better accessibility with things such as aria-labels etc.

  • html
  • accessibility

HTML and Accessibility mode differences in Blue Prism


What are the differences in properties while using HTML or Accessibility mode in blue prism.

  • html
  • process
  • automation
  • accessibility
  • spying

Can't get dropdown checkbox to display with keyboard only input using aria

I'm new to aria and this one partially works. I can tab to the field but can't see the individual items in the dropdown. Any suggestions appreciated.

  • html
  • css
  • accessibility
  • wai-aria

TalkBack screen reading issues

I'm trying to grasp how to code with screen readers in mind, and I'm having a number of issues. The first example is a single HTML element that I tried to display:

  • javascript
  • android
  • html
  • accessibility
  • wai-aria

can <figure> tag in html5 be used for background images?

I started reading upon html5 and I am trying to work on a project so that I can see how things work. I know that the tag can be use like this:

  • html
  • accessibility

Making a video element with no sound accessible

I am currently working on a web page with a silent video banner.

  • html
  • html5
  • accessibility

How to make a UL list of buttons accessible?


In my code I have a list of buttons stored in an unordered list.

  • html
  • accessibility
  • web-accessibility

Bootstrap popover, accessibility. NVDA and voiceover issues

Im doing a html page which has to be accessible.

I have the following bootstrap popover:

  • html
  • css
  • twitter-bootstrap
  • accessibility
  • popover