Displaying 1301 - 1320 of 1717

Anchor links inside div aren't accessible by tab key anymore (link is external)

I'm currently delving on an A11y issue the project I'm working on has.

  • javascript
  • jquery
  • html
  • coffeescript
  • accessibility


by nfreear

Plugin to integrate accessibility fixes from Accessify Wiki into your WordPress site.


by eveningsamurai

flagging accessibility concerns


by jaimeiniesta

A web service to check Accessibility on your sites using accesslint-cli


by daftspunk

Builder for captions and subtitles in WebVTT format

accessibility android Skip nav links are not working (link is external)

I have added skip to main content links on header in my web app. It works as expected in Windows and MacOS. It even works as expected in IPhone.

  • android
  • accessibility
  • talkback

Making text messages accessible to screen reader (link is external)

I am building a chat bot and currently working on some accessibility features. I am wondering what is the best way to allow users to read through old messages.

  • javascript
  • accessibility

Forms accessibility - actions on buttons (link is external)

I have a Shopping Cart and for example there is a <button> that will trigger an action to add an item to the cart.

  • forms
  • accessibility

Accessibility for custom dropdown button (link is external)

Hi I need add keyboard navigation and accessibility to my custom dropdown button. Do you have any ideas? I thought about using aria?

  • javascript
  • html5
  • accessibility
  • wcag
  • wcag2.0

Need android feature of Accessibility Service(Android) in iOS (link is external)

Can we accessibility text field or text from any app in my app in iOS?
This is possible in android through accessibility service.

  • ios
  • accessibility

Link text input to MathJax to support screen reader (link is external)

We have a mathematical expression editor tool for adding mathematical equations for questions.

  • accessibility
  • mathjax
  • tabindex


by dsathyakumar

This project aims at conducting unit tests / audit for accessibility on projects in the development phase and on CI machines.


by jason0x43

a11y testing plugin for Intern


by CanRead

An app that helps make ebooks more accessible to students with language-based learning disabilities


by antijingoist

SIL-OFL licensed typeface to assist in helping with some symptoms of dyslexia.

This demo shows a user interface for a Smart Home environment integrating several technologies